Is Adorable Anvard
Vattnadals Jeepers
Vedja Torpet Dwight Yoakan
Amkida's Dazzling Rainbow In White
Vattnadals Jezabelle
Samo'bas Scallywag
Vattnadals Jazz Jubil
Great Jamarofs Mirka
Hyttmyran's Jamarof Jole Sazhow
Nalletorpet's Sazzev Of Frost
Hyttmyran's Howena Wincy Eviqui
Great Geroj Marusja
Plogens David-Delfino

Great Maxat Xboctom Ljudmilla

Newsam´s Lauren Bacall
Funny Fabric Rainbow Warrior
Aiko Von Meronhlare
Bobmardon's Kisba Tiko
Segena's Djeba
Funny Fabric Space Madness
Sam Sirius Armadillon
Funny Fabric Moulin Rouge
Izabella Scorupco
Vitkind´s Gizzmo
Humoresque Duke of Detroit
Vitkind´s Couronne D´or
Hedy Lamarr
Cloudland´s Diviga Don Juan
Newsam´s Florence Nightingale